Find Your Career Match and Make the Most of Your Skills
Take a moment to think about how you came into your current job. Was it by default? Did your parents help you get the job? Was it the only company that responded to your application? If you went to college, a trade school or university, is your job related to your qualifications? Now think about your attitude to the job. Do you enjoy the work and the problems you’re asked to solve? Does the job utilise your skills? How you answer these questions will determine whether you’re in need of career coaching. The guidance can help you to discover your ideal career match.
We want to support the next generation of job seekers in learning about how their natural abilities and interests can serve them in the working world. Discover how career coaching services can help you and how they’re offered to young adults.
The Origin of Aptitude Tests to Discover A Career Match
Since the early 1900s, public education, psychologists and employers have used aptitude tests to determine an individual’s ability to be successful in a particular job. DISC, OAD, Myers-Briggs are just a few examples. Some help people to pick a major in college, others are pre-screening tools to use before offering someone a job.
After a hundred years of trial and error, we should live in a social utopia where we all live and work in our perfect jobs, right? But why hasn’t this happened? Is it because as humans we don’t like assessments to box us in, like the movie Divergent? Could it be down to there being too many assessment options? Is there a big conspiracy from our parents to make us learn things the hard way? Or is it because some of us hate tests, as they fail to recognize our real capabilities?
Why can't I get the job I want related to my career match?
It could be all or a combination of these reasons above. We think that employers expect too much from assessments without looking at the whole person. Resumes don’t capture your potential and one test alone doesn’t define your work ethic. At pepelwerk, we take a more holistic approach. That’s why our members create talent profiles on the pepelwerk app. Our profile-based system and career coaching services help young adults entering the working world to find the right career match
Career Matching for the Future of Work
pepelwerk offers career matching support to college graduates, job seekers and young adults starting their work lives. We combine real-life discovery, applied learning and feedback from experienced work survival coaches. They can evaluate intelligence, personality and aptitude.
Companies Hiring need to prepare for the Future of Work, as they look to close the workforce skills gap and future-proof their businesses. The digital era is changing the way we work and new technologies dictate how we deliver products and services.
The next generation of job seekers also needs to prepare for the Future of Work. Finding the right career match, connecting with Educators and getting guidance from experienced Career Coaches is key for surviving and thriving in employment.
Why Real World of Work Discovery is Important to Figuring Out Your Career Match
We don’t know what we don’t know. Asking a 16 to 26-year-old to figure out what they want to do by making the best guess is ridiculous. That’s why we created our Real World of Work program. The initiative enables you to complete a series of courses and rotation activities to get familiar with how businesses run.
After the program, you get an internship to explore your area of interest in the industry you’re most motivated to work in. Once you’ve established a career match, you can choose to pursue an advanced degree to refine your ability to become a specialist and work for companies which need your skills.
If you think this could be valuable for you or a young adult in your life, find out more about our Real World of Work program. Companies Hiring and Educators can participate in the program to connect with the job seekers of tomorrow.
Work and Learn
Some tests try to confine you to a certain limit of what you can accomplish. We prefer to figure out what your baseline is to help you reach your potential. In over 25 years of hiring and supporting job seekers, we’ve seen people rise to the challenge of any job, well beyond what tests showed they could. This is because drive, motivation and circumstances change. Sometimes, it’s simply about providing a path to learn the technical skills needed to boost confidence.
pepelwerk’s unique ability to get education closer to the job market and build career matches lets us connect job seekers with the courses they need to get the work they want. As long as they’re motivated to get it!

Work Survival Specialists
Experienced adults in your life are invaluable for making great decisions of all kinds. When it comes to work, having an opportunity to talk to experienced people to get informed guidance makes all the difference.
Career discovery includes honest feedback about what your goals are, your likelihood of accomplishing them and connecting them to your behaviors and aptitude. pepelwerk’s Career Coaches look to make a successful career match for the long-term. Work isn’t a ladder, it’s a slide.
Summary: It’s Time to Find Your Career Match
Career planning and aptitude may have fallen short in the past but pepelwerk aims to change all that. We need to create a more human experience earlier in our work lives. It’s as simple as making the connection between jobs, education and the individual.
Graduates and job seekers can download the pepewerk job matching app and create a Talent profile to get matched with jobs. Once you’re signed up, you can enjoy our range of Career Matching support and services. It’s your work-life, so take control of it!