Pepelwerk: The Job Matching Platform of the Future

Pepelwerk is a skills-focused job matching solution for employers and job seekers to get connected. We want to be able to empower you to own and design your work life. We’re about all of the elements that go into how you get work, stay connected to work, and most importantly, stay relevant for the work that we need to move our economy forward.

We want to be able to connect you with jobs that align with your skills, attributes, and interests. For pepelwerk, that means that we wanted to give our people users the ability, through downloading our app, to set up your own talent profile that moves and flows when you move and flow, as you learn skills, as your schedule changes, as life’s demands on you and your earning potential change, when you can work, and how you can work. Pepelwerk makes it possible to navigate and manage all of that on one, consistent platform that matches you with jobs you want. 

Following the Fluidity of Work

I don’t know if anybody else is tired of creating 100 different versions of resumes for every single situation in life, but I think most people have been there, done that, and know it doesn’t work. When you go on to create your talent profile on pepelwerk, know that we created that solution so that you could get connected to work in a much simpler fashion, and be able to tell your story through your “work brand”. Remember, when you go on to create your talent profile, you can make it as limitless as you want. You can determine your schedule, if you have a schedule that only works with when and where you need to work. You can say that you’re open-shift if you have no time constraints and are able to connect with different contractors, full-time, or internship opportunities.

Believe me, I have been through every single www in my life, and now my daughters, as they’re getting into their work lives, are realizing that it’s complex. Their own profiles change as their work needs change, but the most important thing is, they were able to do it all with the control of the pepelwerk app.

My vision in forming this company and the platform was really pretty clear, to see the nature of how we work is changing every day. I think for the past five years, the amount of hot conversation around the future of work has multiplied, but we’ve been talking about how we change and evolve our work environments for much longer than that. There’s one thing that has not moved the needle, and it is how we get connected to work. Now, what that usually means is you create a resume or cover letter.  Employers are still going through buckets of they’re going through electronic files of resumes to sift through candidates.

Really, we all should be well past that. That’s the beginning of why I created pepelwerk. More freelancers are stepping out full-time. More internships and rotational programs within major organizations are forming, to give people a variety and experience in their work. Before, we had this mentality of we have 9:00 to 5:00, and an internship is at this point in time in life. Or maybe you’re just looking for part-time, but part-time has these types of constraints on it, but no more. Work is truly fluid, and the job seekers lead the demand of this fluidity. Employers really have to be able to bob and weave to meet candidates where they need to be at the right time and at the right place.

Start Maximizing Your Earning Potential 

From anything that people have done around apps and how you get connected to dating, food services, delivery, ride-sharing, and even entertainment, we have sort of app-ified our existence. However, one of the things that seemed to be lacking is a true marketplace for job seeker and employer to get connected, to be able to respond to the fluidity of our working world and how that is changing for both sides of the conversation. The purpose of creating the pepelwerk app for people is to really bring that simplified approach to getting connected to work to the job market based on your marketable skills. If you can pay $10 a month for Netflix, and be very particular about what you choose to get entertained by, or your Spotify, or whatever it is that you’re looking at a monthly basis to get a subscription for some sort of reward, I know that most people would like to focus on how they get income and not necessarily how they spend their money all the time.

Believe me, if I had an app that was able to say, “This is the next job opportunity for you in order for you to get X amount more revenue or income for my family,” I would be all over that. In fact, I am. I have my pepelwerk talent profile on the system. We all have different work and motivations that move us, and our work lives shouldn’t be exceptions to the fact that we’re all different, and therefore looking for work that might look different or takes place at different times. We deserve to have that flexibility to get our work done, so we at pepelwerk are honoring that.

Leading Employers in the Right Direction

One of the most interesting things that I still had heard even two years ago from an employer is that they really were adamant that a mixed environment of working remotely and working in an office was just not the right thing to do. For their environment, and for some environments, it is the right thing, because some jobs require a lot more groupthink. Sometimes you have physical inventory that you’re working with. Obviously, you can’t do that from home, so of course, there’s specific roles, specific jobs, and even specific goals that really define whether or not you can create a mixed-use type of work environment.

What I always encourage employers to think about is that most jobs and most roles can’t naturally define themselves like that, and what’s the worst thing for employers to do is put so much constraint around how work gets done that it just doesn’t get done. With pepelwerk, when an employer matches with a job seeker, you’ve already pretty much set the expectation for how you want the working relationship to be. By the time you get to be hired as the employee, you know what needs to be done, you know what the compensation is going to be of it. There is no guessing.

Write Your Own Life Tale

I’d like to challenge you to share what your challenges have been looking for work in the past, and what you’re excited to see in the future of the working world. Together, we can push forward in the revolution to empower us at every step of our work lives. We’re excited to be part of that conversation and community. So, what I’m asking for is to be in the know. What have I missed, or maybe that you’ve got funny anecdotes to tell us about what you’ve actually been challenged within getting connected to work, or even take it a step further and let us know what type of rules employers put on you that just simply made it a turn-off to even want to go and work for them.

IFirst and foremost, download the app to stay connected to work. Explore what being a pepelwerk member can offer you and start creating your talent profile to get connected with jobs based on your skills, attributes, and interests. No matter what tools you’re given, it’s up to you what you do with it. Take action and change your life tale.