Let’s talk about the value of coaching. What is a career coach and why do we provide it as a service within pepelwerk? These days we’re seeing an array of coaching options pop up online. Life coaches, health coaches, relationship coaches, business coaches and more. But what is a coach? Why should you invest in coaching? And what are you even going to get out of it? 

What is a Coach?

A coach is somebody that you can confide in, not a psychologist, not a therapist, not somebody who is licensed in understanding the way that your brain and psyche work, but somebody who is a legit, unbiased person who is trying to help you break past the barriers that are leading you into unhealthy cycles or are preventing you from accomplishing your goals. 

When you think of a career coach, compare it to an athletic coach. They, by chance, will help you understand the greater missions in life, but an athletic coach is there to make you a better basketball or football player. If you were talking about a life coach, health coach or relationship coach, you should keep that same context. A coach is somebody to help referee you into accomplishing whatever segment of your life you’re calling into question.

For pepelwerk users, that means a career coach is somebody who is focused 100% on making you successful in the kind of work life that you want to achieve. 

pepelwerk Career Coaches

So what in the world is a career coach for pepelwerk? Well, first of all, our career coaches have lived and breathed the business world for anywhere between 10 to 25 years. They’ve been responsible for hiring, firing, or developing people, and now they’re at a point in their life where they’ve realized that the most rewarding part of their extensive work experience is their ability to coach someone into making work-life decisions and discover what their skills are. Because we know that skills sometimes get lost in the mix, our coaches help you figure out how to put your skills and attributes to work so that you can earn an income and maximize your earning potential.

A career coach at pepelwerk offers you the ability to comb out what your skills and interests are and help you refine them. A coach can also help you realize what’s holding you back from achieving your goals. A coach that I had early on was the store manager of the Walmart that I worked for. He looked at me one day, and he said, “Kim, you need to make sure you watch your attitude because your attitude is going to be what gets you in trouble.”

It was at that moment that I knew I could trust him to be very frank and speak to me in a way that would get my attention and make me a better professional. Whether or not I was giving him sass or whether or not it was just a matter of me speaking my mind at maybe the inappropriate time, I needed to learn the tact of conversation and the skill of professional communication. 

The First Coaching Session: Level Setting

So, what happens when you connect with a pepelwerk career coach? Your first conversation will be about level setting. Level setting is very important because it lets you figure out why you’re even talking to a career coach in the first place. It also allows your coach to figure out how they’re going to help you. The outcome of that very first conversation should be, “I feel good. I actually have a firm understanding of what my skills are and of how those skills can be applied in the working world.”

Then your next sessions, should you choose to have any, will be able to build upon that foundation. But your first session is really just about a sigh of relief, bringing some structure, closure and organization to some of the ideas that you’ve had in your mind.

Why Get a Career Coach?

For pepelwerk, having career coaching is an important part of our model because anyone can connect you with jobs. There are so many platforms out there that are complicating and saturating the message about how to get connected with work. If all you want to do is find a job now, then there are plenty of solutions out there. But the value of getting a coach and staying on the pepelwerk platform is that we are always in the know about what is coming, not just what jobs are available today.
The value of a career coach from a soft side perspective is that you are always staying relevant and you’re having somebody coach you along as the world changes, as business changes, and as job opportunities change. 

As job seekers, we sometimes think we’ve got it all figured out and maybe we don’t need somebody to help us through our work life choices. But most of the time the decision to seek out coaching is clouded by, “Oh my goodness, this is so expensive.” Coaching can cost anywhere between $75 to $200 a session, and not everybody can afford that conversation, but there is not a single person that wouldn’t value from having that conversation at least one time. 

We offer coaching sessions as a part of our free membership, starting at $55. Invest in yourself now and more opportunities will come your way. 

How much will you get out of it, especially in your first session? That’s up to you. How much pre-work and pre-discovery can you do to know more about yourself and your skills? How many questions can you come up with? Our coaches answer questions from “How the heck do I get through the application process?” to “How do I find what interests me?” and even “I don’t even know what I don’t know!” Whatever your questions are, career coaching can help you reach your goals, make work-life decisions, or discover your skills and market them. 

Coaching can even help you discover things about yourself that you don’t even realize! To stay relevant, you want to know what you’re good at, and most importantly, you want to know what you’re not good at. There are so many times when I talk to one of our coaches and they say, “My coachee is so excited because they’re in college for accounting, their parents were accountants, their grandparents were accountants, they’re really good at math so they just thought they should be accountants. But they actually have this incredible need to be creative.” And through coaching, we were able to figure out the skills that the person was missing to be able to fulfill their creative side to be more satisfied in the work that they’re choosing to do.

Get Connected to a Coach Today 

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