Personality Assessments for Narrowing Down a Career Assessments help you identify your work attitude and natural attributes. Do you know what yours are? If you’re like most people, you think you’re really good at a few things and just OK at everything else. You know what you like to do, but that isn’t necessarily something that’s relevant to your career. This all-too-common situation causes uncertainty that leads to stress at work as well as shaky career choices. 

Taking an assessment through pepelwerk can help you match with jobs and further your work-life goals.

Improve Your Career.
Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses. 

If streaming platforms can personalize your binge-watching suggestions, why can’t planning your work life be more customized? Here’s the thing: It can. When you know more about yourself, it’s possible to: 

Plan your best fit career 

A little self-awareness can go a long way when it comes to planning your work life. Your natural attributes and your work attitude work well with at least one career path. Find out what. 

Communicate more effectively 

Become a better coworker and find out what you respond best to and where that does or does not align with your team. 

Navigate your work environment 

Better plan your projects and objectives by knowing how you react to common work situations. 

Find your motivation 

Some days, it’s difficult to find a reason to care. Learn what makes you want to put in the work and what makes you want to procrastinate. 

Figure out strategies for dealing with stress 

The first step in reducing stress in your work life is learning what it looks like to you. 

Identify where you have room for growth 

Becoming the best version of you starts with tackling the things that hold you back. Find out what those are.  What Personality Assessments Does pepelwerk Offer that Help Me Get a Career that Fits Me? pepelwerk offers two kinds of assessments to help you better know yourself. 

What Personality Assessments Does pepelwerk Offer that Help Me Get a Career that Fits Me? pepelwerk offers two kinds of assessments to help you better know yourself. 

My Attributes by Photo 

What if we said that learning more about yourself was as easy as taking a selfie and submitting it? It might sound unbelievable, but you can chat with anyone on our team. We’ve all tried it, and it works. Best of all, you can’t give the answer you think people want to hear, so you get more accurate info. 

My Attributes by Survey 

Most people have filled out an attributes survey in the past. If you’re honest with yourself, you can learn a lot about your attributes and attitude. More importantly, you can gain insight into the kinds of jobs that compliment you.