The career your students choose is a big decision that many factors, including family, peers and you, have an influence on. Helping them find a career they will thrive in and love requires honest conversations about work-life goals, attributes, skills and abilities. Preparing students for the future of work involves personalized guidance and a new way of approaching the candidate-employer relationship. With a career-matching platform, you can reach every student and deliver realistic career advice that will serve them well.

Empowering your students through technology isn’t new, but a career-matching platform is an innovative addition to your tech stack. It can be a critical resource in preparing students for what’s next.


Do Your Students Feel Prepared for a Career After College?

College is a time for learning, growth and exploration. After graduation, your students face big decisions. Unfortunately, many don’t feel career-ready. According to a survey, 36% of college seniors in 2019 said they didn’t feel prepared for their careers. Another survey revealed that 41% of incoming college students felt ill-equipped to make a career choice, and 42% lacked confidence or had little of it in their education and career choices.

If these sentiments sound familiar, you know it’s time to change the conversation and direction of matching students and careers. It begins with honest conversations.


Career Matching and Honest Reflection

Students have many influences when they make decisions about work-life. Sometimes those impede what they really want. Ultimately, you want them to make choices based on their goals and aspirations, which often means having hard, honest conversations. 

If students aren’t candid in how they define their professional profile and goals, the careers that seem to be a fit aren’t. When they let outside influences outweigh their ambitions, they’ll build a profile for others rather than themselves. If they reflect on their journey and are sincere in completing the exercise, the jobs they match with will be more accurate. 

You can guide them in developing an accurate career profile. When they do, the technology behind a career-matching platform becomes a key that can unlock a door to a career. Here’s how. 


How Career-Matching Software Leads to Careers Your Students Will Love

Career-matching software is a fresh approach to career services. The solutions you have in place now aren’t moving the needle for you or your students in connecting them to jobs. At pepelwerk, we’ve created a platform that’s a hub for you to do this and more. It updates the hiring process, driving better results for your students and you.

The difference is artificial intelligence (AI) job matching, which leverages AI and advanced machine learning algorithms to produce automated results from data, insights and learnings. There are no resumes or applications. Instead, candidates create profiles, and employers do the same for positions. Algorithms then make matches, which is much more accurate than online job boards that focus on keyword-based data dumps.


For students to get the most out of the platform, you can lead with this career advice:

  • Remind them early and often to be honest about their career pursuits so the profiles they build reflect their passions.
  • Use platform tools to support students in identifying their attributes, strengths, skills gaps and more.
  • Help them set work-life goals and monitor their progress.
  • Offer students a preview of what a job entails through the Real World of Work program.


As the experience improves for students, you’ll also find its features enhance how you operate in career services.


pepelwerk Technology Is Career Matching with Intelligence

Our career-matching platform sets you and your students up for success. You’ll appreciate how it streamlines and automates processes, allowing you to reach more students on a one-to-one basis. Delivery dashboards keep you informed about placements and student achievements. In addition, outcomes reporting gathers insights on success rates, and impact reporting provides a transparent view into diversity, equity and inclusion.

The career-matching revolution is here, and you can give students opportunities to find careers where they’ll flourish and access to learning resources for growth and development.  


Ready to innovate with a sophisticated career-matching platform? Get started today.


Still sending students to job fairs to connect with employers?