The possibilities for artificial intelligence (AI) encompass just about anything that pertains to data. As AI becomes more mainstream and cost-effective, the world of hiring and recruiting has been accelerating its use of this technology. One unique way it’s doing this is by facilitating the matching of skills to jobs. 

As employers focus more on skills-based hiring, AI — as a part of the career-matching platform — becomes the ideal tool for you to use to support students as they transition from college to a career. 

Let’s look at how AI is changing the future of work and how to harness it for skills-to-career matching. 

What is AI’s role in the future or work?

AI is everywhere, and we interact with it every day. It has significantly influenced work, enabling automation and reducing manual processes. Now, there are more use cases than ever with the emergence of tools such as ChatGPT.

How will these things change the future of work? Watch the video below for some insights.

As AI continues to change the nature of work, it’s also impacting hiring and recruiting. It’s affecting how people get jobs in more people-centric ways by helping match skills to jobs.

How is AI facilitating the matching of skills to jobs?

How can AI be a tool to help students match skills to jobs? Your experience using AI to support students in their career journeys may have been unremarkable so far. Resume matching is the most prevalent use case. However, it only looks for exact matches of key phrases, rejecting resumes that don’t have them. 

The good news is that this limited use of AI isn’t the only one out there. AI job matching is much more advanced than its predecessors. The new approach, which is the foundation of the pepelwerk platform, compares a candidate’s abilities against the criteria needed for a job. 

This type of AI includes:

  • Broader matching that looks for similar phrases, not just exact term matches
  • Connecting skills in a profile with those required for the position
  • Combining data from human and technical sources

The critical difference is the emphasis on skills.

AI job matching puts skills at the forefront.

In this new frontier for career pathways, your students have a variety of skills that demonstrate their fit for a role. These include technical and people skills, and it’s important to emphasize them to best match skills to jobs. Any profession requires a mix of attributes and abilities, and employers are focusing their efforts on recruiting people who bring a variety of valuable characteristics to the table.

Because of this shift, the adoption of AI job matching is even more critical to helping your students find success. Providing them with information, insights and technology to adapt to this new framework will be essential to their ability to:

  • Define their skills and understand how they connect to different jobs.
  • Assess gaps in skills that are in demand and plan to develop these skills.
  • Develop work-life goals that meet their needs.

Career services have an important part to play in this AI revolution.

Modernize career services with AI job-matching technology.

To ensure you and your students are ready for the future, you’ll need a technology platform to modernize career services. That platform is pepelwerk.

Beyond the capabilities of matching skills to careers, it has many more benefits and features, including:

  • AI and career assessment tools
  • Career readiness content 
  • Virtual reality job exploration 
  • A centralized source for practicums, apprenticeships and internships
  • The ability to track and measure success rates and outcomes 
  • More tools for helping students prepare for in-demand jobs and the future of work

pepelwerk is revolutionizing how people find career paths, and you can be part of this revolution. Start by browsing our events and attending one to learn more.

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