How do you deconstruct an old system that no longer works for anyone? The best way to disrupt old paradigms is with technology that breeds innovation. One system that needs change is the recruitment market, and the technology helping reshape it is artificial intelligence (AI). So, what is the role of AI in talent acquisition? And why does it matter?

AI in talent acquisition includes many use cases. Some have great value and are transforming hiring. Others are simply surface applications, such as keyword matching on resumes. AI has significant implications for talent acquisition, and we’ll review their importance.

Who’s Using AI in Talent Acquisition and How?

AI is all around us, and it’s changing everything about how we work. (Check out this video from our CEO, Kim Kelley, for her perspective on this evolution.)

Most organizations and people use AI to some degree. In recruiting it’s becoming more prevalent, but few companies have embedded it into the entire process.

A LinkedIn report found that 62% of talent acquisition professionals are optimistic about the impact of AI, but only 27% are experimenting with it. That group of early adopters leverages it mainly to write job descriptions and automate tasks, eliminating manual work.

Another study in the industry revealed that HR professionals are applying AI diversely, with the leading use cases being:

  • Sourcing and engaging talent
  • Analyzing recruitment data
  • Creating job posts on social media
  • Helping candidates find the right position

However, this research also identifies the major challenges of AI in talent acquisition, including issues with integrations and functionality of the technology. As a result, only 14% of survey respondents said they were using it as part of the talent acquisition stack, and 42% of companies don’t plan to use it at all.

There is interest and trepidation in applying AI in talent acquisition. Using AI can benefit employers and candidates, but finding a platform that provides value to all parties can be challenging. You can’t just turn AI on and expect insights and efficiency to happen. Rather, you need a solution designed from the beginning to align with the changing world of work. As Kelley said on The Business Leaders of America podcast, “AI is a mirror, not an oracle.”

What Should You Expect AI in Talent Acquisition to Do For You?

Having AI write a job ad or using it to streamline applicant tracking certainly saves time. But is that what you should expect from AI?

AI’s capabilities can extend beyond simplifying workflows or creating content. You should expect this technology to make a tangible difference in how you hire and retain talent.

Enhanced Candidate Screening and Matching

Obtaining better-qualified job seekers is a goal for any organization. AI can help, but applying it to resume scanning won’t necessarily deliver this outcome. This process looks for keyword matches on resumes. It continues the systemic tradition in talent acquisition and doesn’t answer the real needs of reducing cost per hire and finding loyal, valuable hires.

The modern approach used by pepelwerk’s AI Career Assistant matches job profiles with candidate profiles based on the actual requirements of the job and the candidate's attributes, abilities and skills. It also doesn’t opt people out because they lack one technical skill. (And when this gap is present, candidates on the pepelwerk app can close it by upskilling.)

The platform also provides automated skills-based screening, which analyzes and identifies qualifications and capabilities.

Automated and Streamlined Recruitment Processes

Simple automation is present in many applicant tracking systems. It can speed up the review process and trigger communications or actions. This is foundational to efficiency, but AI has more capabilities to achieve this.

For AI to have a greater impact on these workflows, machine learning algorithms should be applied to preliminary interviews. Chatbots can carry out these initial interactions, such as asking questions and evaluating responses.

AI can also support analytics, providing insights into recruitment channel performance and candidate success rates. This information can allow you to make adjustments to recruitment processes.

Predictive Analytics

AI won’t tell you the future, but it can empower you to plan accordingly with predictive analytics. Your data, analyzed by machine learning algorithms, provides these insights. With the analytics engine in the pepelwerk platform, you can predict if you will meet your hiring goals to build your talent pipeline.

Improved Candidate Experiences

An AI-powered recruitment platform enhances the candidate experience, which is critical to attract the best talent. For example, these platforms can personalize recommendations for candidates based on their skills and preferences. Job seekers also receive real-time feedback after assessments and interviews. They’ll always know where they are in the process and feel that their time is valued.

The Future of Work

The pepelwerk AI Career Assistant enables your organization to prepare for the future of work. It delivers equitable opportunities, reduces tech costs, provides access to outcomes reporting and derives insights from your data. It’s the perfect tool for goal planning and unbiased job matching.

AI is in the DNA of the pepelwerk ecosystem. The AI woven into our platform encompasses learned data points and then identifies patterns that predict or recommend. This sophisticated technology, coupled with behavioral science, is future-proofing employers as the world of work evolves.

Start your AI revolution by trying pepelwerk today.

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